
Become a well-rounded professional with courses that will help you navigate a successful career and become more productive. Improve your project management, leadership and communication skills, and get guidance on how to plan your career and land your next opportunity.
The synergistic partnership between our faculty and world-class enterpreneurs provides an ideal environment for educating the next generation of executives.


In new businesses, “management” is often considered “whatever needs to be done just to keep things afloat”. However, for your business to grow and remain healthy, you must master certain skills in management and leadership — skills that will help you avoid the crisis situation where you have to do “whatever it takes to stay afloat”. The basic skills include problem solving and decision making, planning, meeting management, delegation, communications and managing yourself.

This course references numerous basic skills that leaders and managers must master in order to be effective in their organizations and their lives. These skills can be acquired throughout this program and in other areas of learners’ lives. Executives who are interested in gaining broader contexts of management and leadership can enroll for this training.

Duration: 3-5 Days
Course Code:  EC110
Mode of Teaching:  Classrooms, Online & Webinars EXECUTIVE SPONSOR ROLE IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT – EC101

Executives and senior leaders play an essential role in times of change. An organization looks to its leaders to be visible sponsors of change and to demonstrate why change is necessary. Senior leaders provide the authority and credibility necessary for successful change.

The role of an active and visible participation for the primary sponsor was cited more frequently than any other sponsor activity. Study participants identified a list of activities that constituted active and visible sponsorship from allocating the necessary funding to participating in change activities. Sponsors cannot disappear once they’ve attended the kick-off meeting for a project. Their sustained presence is necessary to build and maintain momentum for a change.
This course elucidates other roles expected of an executive sponsor for turnkey projects. Duration: 3-5 Days
Course Code:  EC101
Mode of Teaching:  Classrooms, Online & Webinars CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE – EC102 Providing excellent customer service is essential to the long-term viability of every business. Customer Service course introduces the fundamental elements of customer service and explains how they can be applied in any organization. Following this, it describes how a business can develop its customer service program to the highest level.
This course is ideal for business managers, business owners and entrepreneurs who wish to learn how to implement an effective customer service program in their organization. This course will also be of great advantage to retail staff, hospitality workers and public servants who want to become more proficient at providing friendly and effective customer service. Duration: 3-5 Days
Course Code:  EC102
Mode of Teaching:  Classrooms, Online & Webinars MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP – EC104 Enhance leadership and business skills for immediate impact. Practice everyday leadership, manage people, learn and apply concepts and techniques to effectively manage organizations through organizational design, and formulate and implement strategy.
Through the courses in this specialization, you will learn the fundamentals to effectively lead people and teams, manage organizations as well as tools to analyze business situations and develop strategies. The Specialization covers the strategic, human resource, and organizational foundations for creating and capturing value for sustainable competitive advantage — including how to manage people and organizations, analyze the competition, and develop strategies both within a business and across a portfolio of businesses. Duration: 3-5 Days
Course Code:  EC104
Mode of Teaching:  Classrooms, Online & Webinars HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT – EC103

Human Resources (HR) plays a key role in modern organizations and businesses, be they private sector, public sector or voluntary. Our online human resources diploma course covers diverse topics in HR, from the role of the human resources manager and how to recruit, select, train and assess employees, to employee motivation, employee-employer relations, and how to manage change within an organization.

This course gives a thorough knowledge and understanding of the important role HR plays in organizations, and will be of great interest to HR business professionals as well as those who are pursuing a career in this area.

Duration: 3-5 Days
Course Code:  EC103
Mode of Teaching:  Classrooms, Online & Webinars


Duration: 3-5 Days
Course Code:  EC104
Mode of Teaching:  Classrooms, Online & Webinars PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES – EC106 Participants receive advanced project management skills development
training building on the theory and fundamentals learned in Project
Management Tools & Techniques 1. Executing project management in
the real world requires practical skills to tackle many issues. Changing
client requirements, multiple scope change requests, limited resources,
lack of authority, and difficult clients are all problems which the project
manager often faces and must manage. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the real life project
management challenges on projects with practical strategies and tools
for managing them, based on Project Management Institute (PMI) and
Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) best practices.
Instruction and industry examples of these methodologies are provided
in an interactive format.
Duration: 3-5 Days
Course Code:  EC106
Mode of Teaching:  Classrooms, Online & Webinars


Duration: 3-5 Days
Course Code:  EC104
Mode of Teaching:  Classrooms, Online & Webinars